Like Similes in English
A simile is a figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared. Although similes and metaphors are sometimes considered to be interchangeable, similes acknowledge the imperfections and limitations of the comparative relationship to a greater extent than metaphors.
To help you identify a simile versus a metaphor, know that the words “like” or “as” are typically used in a simile.
As like as not = probably
Avoid like the plague = to shun, or evade if at all possible
Bleed like a stuck pig = to bleed profusely
Breed like rabbits = to breed very rapidly, to have many children
Cry like a baby = cry a lot
Cut like a knife = to sting severely, to be very sharp
Drop like flies = die en masse, one after the other
Drink like a fish = to drink alcohol heavily and in excess
Eat like a bird = to eat in small amounts rather than in a single full meal
Eat like a pig/eat like a horse = to chew noisily, with one's mouth open, or with much greed
Fit like a glove = to be a perfect fit, to be exactly the right size
Float like a butterfly = to move effortlessly and in an agile fashion
Get on like a house on fire = to immediately start a good relationship with someone
Go down like a lead balloon = to be received negatively by others
Go out like a light = to fall asleep quickly
Grin like a Cheshire cat = to smile broadly, especially in a self-satisfied way
Have a memory like a sieve = to have a poor memory; to have difficulty remembering things
Kick like a mule = to have a very strong physical effect
Laugh like a drain = to laugh with a loud, coarse sound
Laugh like a hyena = to laugh hysterically
Leak like a sieve = full of holes
Light as a feather = extremely light, having minimal weight
Like a cat on a hot tin roof = jumpy, nervous
Like a lamb to the slaughter = helplessly and innocently, without knowing the unpleasant consequences
Like a ton of bricks = very strongly; very heavily; often unexpectedly
Like feeding time at the zoo = extremely frenetic, disorderly and messy
Like death warmed over = Ill, unwell
Like crazy = to a great or excessive degree; with great speed, output, enthusiasm
Like clockwork = with perfect regularity and precision; faultless
Like chalk and cheese = two things that are different
Like a train = with unstoppable momentum
Like a man = bravely, decisively and without complaining
Like a million dollars = extremely good or well
Like a kid in a candy store = elated or excited as a result of having many options to choose from
Like a duck takes to water = very naturally; without effort
Like a dog with a bone = stubborn; persistent; relentless
Like a dog on heat = very energetic and enthusiastic
Like a charm = very effectively
Like a bump on a log = idly, listlessly, or uselessly
Like a bull in china shop = clumsy, aggressive, without care or concern, without self-control
Like a bear with a sore head = very irritable; bad-tempered
Like hot cakes = quickly, especially by purchase or consumption
Like nobody's business =rapidly; excessively; like crazy
Like rats from a sinking ship = away from a failing project
Like riding a bike = said of skill that, once learned, is never forgotten
Like shelling peas = repetitive, but very easy
Like shooting fish in a barrel = extremely easy
Like taking candy from a baby = easy to achieve
Like the back end of a bus = very unattractive
Like the clappers = very hard or very rapidly
Like the wind = quickly, at a high speed
Like turkeys voting for Christmas = serving to bring about a situation detrimental to the person performing the action
Like water off a duck's back = without immediate or lasting effects
Like white on rice = inseparable; in very close proximity; following closely
Out like a light = asleep or unconscious
Quack like a duck = to appear to be exactly what one is
Read like a book = to be able to discern someone's thoughts from his or her body language or other behaviour
Run around like a chicken with its head cut off/run around like a headless chicken = to act in a haphazard or aimless way; to act frantically or without control
Run like a top = to operate smoothly
Run like the wind = run very quickly
Sing like a bird = to have a beautiful singing voice/to reveal secrets
Sink like a stone = to completely fail
Sleep like a baby = sleeping soundly
Swear like a trooper = to swear a lot; to utter many swear words
Sweat like a pig = to sweat profusely, to be perspiring lots of sweat
Swim like a fish = to be a very strong swimmer
Watch like a hawk = to observe closely and keenly